Enrolment 2015

Student Enrolment for 2018

Welcome to Word World language school!

Enrolment in our school has started! Come and have a free of charge placement test to determine your child’s level of knowledge compared to his/her peers, and we will recommend the right course. Enrolment starts on 19.2.2018.

Call us and schedule an appointment for an interview with a teacher or just come by so that we can get introduced first.

For students who have learnt the language before, the interview with a teacher lasts for about 15 minutes. In a relaxed manner, the teacher asks questions which guide the student towards using the structures and vocabulary being tested, and the answers given by the student clearly place him/her at a certain level. With the parent’s consent, the interview is recorded (in audio format) to be used at the end of the school year as the best possible indicator of the child’s progress. No preparation is required for this testing, the only requirement being for the child to attend the interview smilingly.

For the youngest, 4-year-old students, as well as older kids who have no prior knowledge of the language, the interview with the teacher comes down to exchanging expectations on both sides and establishing an honest relationship at the very beginning of our cooperation. This is what we need in order to do the best we can, thus enabling children to make progress as fast as they can!

For kids aged 12 and above, there is a written test in addition to the interview – a placement test, which is a multiple choice cloze test designed to give us an even clearer picture of the child’s current level.

For even more serious levels starting at the age of 14, for kids who would like to prepare for and take the FCE or CAE exams, the testing involves additional tasks including listening and writing a short essay based on what they have heard.

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